Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Welcome to the Parks Jobs Experience!


This blog is for anyone who has ever worked a park-type job (NPS, State Parks, Forest Service, etc.), so that we may have a chance to share our stories, and so that anyone who wants to work at a park can have some idea of what they're getting into.

Say you're currently applying for a Visitor Use Assistant job up at Glacier Bay National Park, and you've been thinking it would be nice to find someone who's done the job before so they could answer your questions: was it amazing? was the visitor center boring? did you see grizzlies? etc. This is the place to share and find those answers.

So, please, share your stories here! If you see a position you've had as a heading, record your experience as a comment, or email galenjoel@gmail.com to become an author on this blog. Be honest about your experiences, and if you have something mean to say, please don't name names.

Spread the word! Thanks!

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